Failing identity
Identity is when A is equal to B. But if so, why not just call both A?
VEM DÄR is a text work in Swedish, published in Pralin magasin #21: Body horror.Photo by Timjan Wall.
Underlevare is the fragmentary story of a Sweden after a societal collapse.
The voice is false
A performative lecture where a voice discusses its own ostensible falseness.
Rima glottidis
A live performance involving a multitude of oral sounds and processing thereof.
Our names
An online sound installation, preserving, uniting and insisting on trans people’s names.
Att utredas för könsidentitetsstörning
A video reciting questions and comments said to patients undergoing evaluation for gender identity disorder in today’s Sweden.
more sides now
Joni Mitchell’s Both sides now used as the basis for a piece about reveling in the fragmentation of identity.
An examination of the androgynous. Collaboration with Malin Holgersson.
alla imitationer utan original
An audio installation applying contrapuntal techniques to Judith Butler.
a semblance of order
Mutating bodies singing a version of the motet Absalon, fili mi, possibly by Josquin des Prez.
Måbrakören, Bergsjön
Portrait of a senior citizens’ choir in the suburb of Bergsjön, Gothenburg.
Books without letters
A collection of pages from (more or less) famous books, with the letters removed.